Friday, September 9, 2011

MuscleNerd To Release JailbreakMe 4.0 For iOS 5

Yesterday Comex the well known hacker the hacker behind JailbreakMe has announced via his twitter account that he is going to work for Apple as an internee.

Does this means that he will not work to continue his JailbreakMe series for iOS 5 ? Does this means that he will stop Jailbreaking ? all of these questions are waiting for Comex reply

Now Comex said in reply to these questions on his twitter account that MuscleNerd will make JailbreakMe 4.0 [Read below]
xBFGinger @Comex RIP Jailbreakme
@Comex @xBFGinger I’m hoping @MuscleNerd will make JailbreakMe 4. :p
Is Comex making the right decision to enabling MuscleNerd to make JailbreakMe 4.0 and it’s in the safe hands?

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