Friday, September 9, 2011

iPhone Can Detect You By Your Voice

iPhone Can Detect You By Your Voice
Discovered by AppleInsider, the patent entitled "User Profiling for Voice Input Processing," details methods of identifying a user by their voice and then loading a personalized profile for that user.

A new patent filing reveals that Apple is working on a system whereby your iPhone could identify users by the sound of their voice.

The electronic device can identify the user using any suitable approach. For example, the electronic device can identify a user from the content of an input provided by the user (e.g., a user name and password). As another example, the electronic device can identify a user by the type of interaction of the user with the device (e.g., the particular operations the user directs the device to perform). As still another example, the electronic device can identify a user based on biometric information (e.g., a voice print). Once the user has been identified, the electronic device can determine the user's interests and define the library subset based on those interests. For example, the subset can include words corresponding to metadata related to content selected by the user for storage on the device (e.g., transferred media items) or content added to the device by the user (e.g., the content of messages sent by the user). As another example, the subset can include words corresponding to application operations that the user is likely to use (e.g., words relating to media playback instructions).

Apple is widely expected to improve the voice recognition capabilities of the iPhone and iOS using technology from Nuance. It's said that company is planning a voice powered personal assistant using technology it acquired from Siri.

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